ACCESS Training


Your Church Has A Unique Role To Play In Global Impact.

ACCESS Training will help you evaluate your current strategies and develop structures and processes that strengthen your effectiveness in cross-cultural missions.

June 29, 2024

8-5pm / 355 Park 32 W Dr Noblesville, IN

Free Event

Lunch Provided

In this special one-day training, you and your

church mission team will learn:

Strategy: Foundational for all other modules, in this module, you will invest in refining, defining, and developing your cross-cultural vision and strategy.

Caring for Global Workers: 7 of 10 global workers who return "home" prematurely leave for preventable reasons. In this module, you will engineer missionary care structures and strategies to promote flourishing workers and prevent premature departures.

Short-Term Trips: Through this module, you will engineer and construct effective short-term trips that align with your strategy, and craft a plan to steward the "before, during, and after.”

Engaging Internationals: In this module, you will learn fresh ways to mobilize and inspire your people to engage the internationals God has brought to your backyards.

Sending Church: In this module, you will rediscover God’s heart for the nations and His desire to work through local churches to proclaim the gospel around the world.

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