Whatever You Do

I am one of the Gen Z’ers (people born between 1997-2012) who work here at IDES. I have the joy of working alongside an incredible group to glorify God around the world through our disaster response, development, and disciple-making projects. I love having the opportunity to learn from my coworkers and laugh about the things we find in common. For example, I am notorious for not knowing many old movie references which consistently shocks my coworkers. 

I have noticed, as a Gen Z’er, I often view the world differently. I grew up while technology was gaining traction, and smartphones became the norm to have. I watched my peers grow up and go off to college, where Covid flipped the world upside down. And now, here we are, in the workforce trying to figure out what the good life is. 

I often find myself wondering, how is Gen Z doing? Unfortunately, I see Gen Z having an identity crisis, and much of that can be on social media. The terms “doom-scrolling,” “brain rot,” and “vegging out” have all become popular. We have become addicted to the endless scroll. Now more than ever before, we have the ability to compare ourselves to anyone in the world. We find friends and influencers earning 6 figures in the corporate world, traveling to every country under the sun, getting married and having kids, going to law school, some staying in their hometown, others moving across the country, the list goes on. With this much comparison, I think Gen Z’s joy is being stolen. 

1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV) says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” To live Godly lives, Christians are to glorify God in all things. When I finally put my phone down, I am forced to question myself- was that glorifying to God? And my honest answer is no. I am not glorifying God in my slothfulness of scrolling. Rather, I am choosing to believe who the world tells me I am, and not being grounded in God’s truth.

By no means am I saying this means that social media is all bad. God has used social media in powerful ways to proclaim His gospel, and connect believers around the world, especially those who are being persecuted. Social media can be a tool to glorify God in ways that reach far more people than I probably ever could. Admittedly, I love sending funny cat videos to my friends that we can laugh about together. 

But, it is tempting for social media to become a tool that causes us to disengage from the world around us and be filled with the anxiety the world is telling us to have. Even writing this, I am tempted to scroll through endless videos rather than work diligently at the work the Lord has given me to honor and glorify Him. I am tempted to believe lies that God is not active, in control, or even real. 

Christ is the antidote to this disease. Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” This verse gives us purpose in all actions. No longer is it the never-ending battle of questioning whether I am doing the right thing with my life, or if I should be buying a yacht by 25. Whether we are running errands, doing chores, working a corporate 9-5, having a long day on the construction site, or managing a home full of children, we are serving Christ! We are offered freedom from the never-ending comparison and given the joy of serving the Lord in whatever we do. 

This means that when I am working, I work well to serve the Lord. When I am resting, I rest in Him and His truth. When I am cooking, I cook for His glory. When I am tempted to doom-scroll, I can remind myself of God’s truth that in everything I do, I have the opportunity to show the world the goodness of God who has saved me. Truly, now more than ever, Gen Z is looking for connection, community, and a hope that never ends. The church offers this in abundance. But even more, it offers truth to a generation that is desperate for it. 

So I challenge you, and equally challenge myself, to get off your phone! When you are working at a job you don’t like, or need to face the multiplying pile of laundry and are tempted to doom scroll, pray for the Lord to give you the desire to honor Him through your work. When we do feel tempted to “rest” through social media, remind yourself of the truth of God’s word that true rest is only found in Him. Grow in godly disciplines that help you to use this life to be a living sacrifice for our great God.

Written by Sarah Cassel