Chicken & Fish Farms in El Salvador


July 20, 2022

El Salvador has suffered from massive amounts of flooding caused by two hurricanes that hit in recent years, resulting in a level of damage that had not been seen in this area for more than a decade. IDES has partnered with missions there to provide disaster relief from this flooding. Our partners have been working hard to help the people of this area and are now looking to move from emergency disaster relief to providing long-term community development initiatives. 

In the 8 communities surrounding San Marcelino, nearly 80% of the residents live in multidimensional poverty. The flooding and COVID-19 pandemic created unique opportunities for our partners to work alongside these communities. Volunteers have taught English, literacy, tutoring, and discovery Bible classes. 

In addition to these classes, they are working with community members to establish a micro-enterprise—establishing chicken & tilapia farms. Families will be taught how to raise the animals and will take classes to learn how to run a small business. These farms will generate a source of income to help fight this multidimensional poverty. 

All the work we do through our partners is about bringing people to Christ. These chicken & tilapia farms allow our partners to establish a relationship with families as they learn how to raise the them and run their small businesses—this helps meet physical needs. Our partners are also meeting spiritual needs by leading small groups to teach the community about Jesus, with the end goal of planting a church and making disciples. Please continue to pray for our partners in El Salvador and for the people to be receptive to the gospel message. 

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” (Matthew 28:19 NIV)