Sharing Christ’s Love in Bolivia
May 25, 2022
“‘We traveled more than 12 days and over 1000 km to the most remote locations in Bolivia to deliver food, medicine, construction materials, and Bibles. I found myself wondering, ‘Is it worth traveling so many hours through the mountains and rain to visit a couple of families?’ And the answer is a giant ‘YES.’” -IDES Partner
Recently, we were able to partner with missionaries in Bolivia. We saw firsthand how providing for basic physical needs such as shelter, medical, and hunger allows our partners to share Christ with the people they serve.
A group of more than 20 students and staff members across Latin America set out on a multi-cultural, inter-ministry service trip to La Paz, Bolivia. The goal of this trip was to share the love and compassion of Jesus in a practical and genuine way by providing food, medical supplies, construction materials to repair homes, and Bibles to the poorest rural communities in Bolivia. Through the donations of IDES faithful donors, we were able to provide these items to more than 500 families.
Each day the missionaries would travel hundreds of kilometers to distribute these supplies. Additionally, they had the opportunity to perform a puppet show for the children that shared the teachings of Psalm 139 and they also shared the Gospel with the adult community members. God worked through the missionaries, but he also worked through our partners to minister to those the missionaries were serving.
“Every day I could see and feel the presence of God in every detail. I wish I had the vocabulary to express the presence of God during our trip.” -IDES Partner
Everything we do at IDES is grounded in the love of Christ so that we can share that love with people all around the world. We are called to love others because Christ first loved us (1 John 4:19).
Providing for the physical needs of the most impoverished people creates unique opportunities for our partners to share that love with those they are serving, many of whom have never heard the Gospel.
Providing for someone’s physical needs can be as simple as giving them a nutritious meal, medical supplies, or helping them repair their homes. These items help those in need great, but even more, the Gospel that our partners share gives them an eternal hope that lasts a lifetime.