Planned Giving — International Disaster Emergency Service

Planned giving


1) The simplest way to leave a planned gift to IDES is to name us as a beneficiary on your retirement account, bank account or life insurance policy.

Your banker, investment advisor, broker or insurance agent can provide you with a simple form to designate beneficiaries for the assets they manage on your behalf.

You can assign a single beneficiary who will receive 100% of an asset, or multiple beneficiaries who will each receive the percentage you designate (together they should add up to 100%).

You can identify IDES as a beneficiary with the following information:

Legal Name: International Disaster Emergency Service, Inc.; also known as IDES

Address: 355 Park 32 West Drive, Noblesville, IN 46062-9218

Tax ID Number: 23-7348277

2) A second way to leave a planned gift to IDES is through your current will or trust agreement.

This option allows you to designate a specific asset or a percentage of your entire estate to further the work of IDES. Your attorney can help you amend the legal documents you already have in place.

Here are some examples of bequest language that may be used in such a document.

If your bequest is for a specified cash amount:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to International Disaster Emergency Service, Inc. (IDES), TAX I.D. #23-7348277, a charitable organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with principal offices currently located at 355 Park 32 West Drive, Noblesville, IN 46062 the sum of $________ to be used for IDES’ general purposes.”

If your bequest is for a percentage of your estate:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to International Disaster Emergency Service, Inc. (IDES), TAX I.D. #23-7348277, a charitable organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with principal offices currently located at 355 Park 32 West Drive, Noblesville, IN 46062 _____% of my total estate, both real and personal, to be used for IDES’ general purposes.”

If your bequest consists of securities or personal property:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to International Disaster Emergency Service, Inc. (IDES), TAX I.D. #23-7348277, a charitable organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with principal offices currently located at 355 Park 32 West Drive, Noblesville, IN 46062 the securities or other property described herein, namely _______________________________(enter a description of the securities or other property such as: 200 shares of General Electric stock, symbol “GE”) to be used for IDES’ general purposes.”

If your bequest consists of real estate:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to International Disaster Emergency Service, Inc. (IDES), TAX I.D. #23-7348277, a charitable organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with principal offices currently located at 355 Park 32 West Drive, Noblesville, IN 46062 all of the right, title and interest in and to the real estate located at ______________________________ (enter the address and a description of the property) to be used for IDES’ general purposes.”

Additional Considerations:

If you desire to specify how your bequest will be used, the phrase “for IDES’ general purposes” can be replaced with a specific designation such as “for IDES’ permanent endowment,” “for hunger relief” or “for disaster relief.”

In most instances a beneficiary designation on a retirement account, bank account or life insurance policy will outweigh the provisions of a will or trust. Therefore, it is important to periodically review the beneficiary designations for all such accounts and policies to ensure they reflect your current wishes.

Once you have designated a gift to IDES in your estate planning, please let us know. We want to update our records to reflect how you want your planned gift to be used at the time it is received.

3) A third way to leave a planned gift to IDES is through an estate plan prepared for you free of charge by IDES partners at FPM (Financial Planning Ministry).

FPM has more than 40 years’ experience helping God’s people prepare wills, trust agreements, power of attorney forms, and other important legal documents tailored to each person’s specific needs. They are able to draft estate plans that conform to the unique laws and statutes of all 50 states.

Contact IDES by phone at 317-773-4111, or by email at and we will connect you with our partners at FPM.

IDES offers this free service to each of our donors (as well as members of our supporting churches, our mission partners, our volunteers, and our prayer partners).

Thank you so much for considering a legacy gift to advance the ministry of IDES!